Best Antivirus Software 2023
Get the highest level of digital protection! easily compare security features, OS, deals and more.
We have analyzed and tested the leading antivirus programs in detail for our readers and presented the most reputable providers in a user-friendly list. Don't become a victim of cyber-attacks - Choose one of the leading providers of anti virus software from the table below to protect your private data and computer!
- Anti Malware
- Anti Spyware
- Internet Security
$25 / year
- A single account to crush viruses, data leaks, ads, and privacy threat.
$29 / year
- Award-Winning Antivirus solution featuring privacy for all your devices
$39 / year
- High accuracy, low-impact antivirus solution with online backup capabilities
Your protection is more than just our priority. It’s our passion.
Multi-Device Compatibility
Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident
Real-Time Protection
Check downloads, installs and executables for viruses & threats each time your computer accesses them.
Eliminate Malware
Our award-winning antivirus protection keeps harmful threats away from your system.
Schedule Smart Scans
Set up your scans to run like clockwork and ensure your system remains safe and secure at all times.
Block Tracking Cookies
Remove all web browser tracking cookies, clearing any trace of your browsing activity.
100% Compatible
Benefit from our advanced security tools made available across Windows, Mac, Android & iOS.
Why should you trust us?
Our team provides detailed ratings of various antivirus software, outlining their features, strengths, and weaknesses. These reviews are be based on thorough testing and evaluation..
We are transparent about AV testing methodology, detailing how it evaluates antivirus software and what criteria are used to determine effectiveness.
I have recently moved to TotalAV and so far everything is far better. Easy to install and the the system runs itself without all those annoying messages I kept getting from my other provider.
When I opened the computer TotalAV had already found cookies that were causing the system to be slow. It also suggested for TotalAV to check other areas. Yeh team!
It has been an absolute game-changer for me. Not only does it provide top-notch protection against malware, but it also optimizes my system, making everything run smoother and faster!
I can recommend Panda to anyone in search of a powerful and reliable antivirus solution. With Panda, I feel protected, empowered, and free to explore the digital world with peace of mind.